Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Finished project - Poison Ivy hooded cape.

Last halloween I made a Poison Ivy costume for myself to wear to a party and this was the cape that went with it.

It's made from forest green and deep red polycotton.  I wanted to make this as economically as possible as I needed 6 meters of each colour.  

To make the cape a bit more interesting I machine embroidered trailing vines using a satin stitch up the entire length of the garment.  Each panel was decorated separately before joining all the panels together.  Once all the seams were sewn, including the hood, I then embroidered across the seams to ensure the pattern had good continuity across the cape.

I love capes with giant, oversized hoods!!

During the construction of this I thought, hey! this really should be reversible....... you know.......just in case....


  1. Hey!

    I was wondering which pattern you used for this cape. I keep finding patterns with very small hoods. And did you do something special to make it reversible?

  2. Yes! I am wondering the same thing. I want a cape with a very large hood for my Red Riding Hood costume but can only find ones with a smaller hood.

  3. Yes please I'd love the pattern as well <3

  4. I agree with everyone else, that hood is amazing and I would love to know how to make one just like it.

  5. I also agree with everyone else. I would love to know how to make one or where I can have one made.

  6. Can you send me too the pattern for this cape. I need to do a cape with 2 color reversibel for Raven of teen titans and for Poison Ivy. I´m goint to be Poison Ivy in my school but my son want´s be to be raven in this Carnaval 2018.
    Pleaseeeeeee send me to
